Saturday, February 22, 2025

GrandBates #34 is on the way

 We are so excited to share that the Bates are expecting a new grandbaby due in September 2025.

Evan and Carlin are expecting their third child! The baby is due in September 2025.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

double birthdays

Happy birthday to Brooklyn and Brielle!
Brooklyn is the daughter of Joseph and Kendra while Brielle is the daughter of Jeremiah and Hannah. 
Brooklyn just celebrated her 4th birthday.
Brielle is celebrating her first birthday. 

Saturday, February 1, 2025

GrandBates #33 update

 It's been almost two months since we announced the pregnancy for the Bates Grandbaby #33 and we have an update for you all.

Grandbaby Bates is due on June 13th and it's a girl.

February monthly preview


* Henry Seewald

* Maci Webster

* Hailey Clark

* Brooklyn Duggar

* Miles Balka

* Brielle Duggar

* Gideon Forsyth

Other posts:

* March Birthdays cover